
on-boarding MFA users

The scenario: you have a user logged into your site who'd like to establish an MFA relationship with you to augment their security.

create a relationship with a user

In order to start the process, you have your website call the Anubis embed library with three parameters:

anubis.mfa(success, fail, unique-user-key);
successfunctionthe function that will be called on a successful relationship, with one parameter - the 32-character relationship key
failfunctionthe function that will be called if no relationship was established

as an auth user may want to create an MFA relationship with more than one account (if they have two logons with you, for instance), it's good practice to pass a unique string to distinguish between the relationships

Anubis actively doesn't want to store any actual user information, so the only acceptable keys are either blank, entirely numeric, or exactly 32 alphanumeric characters

You will then store the value returned to the success function next to your user, server-side - this is the relationship key you will ultimately use to validate them.